50% Discount on tickets for members and exclusive infield parking for eligible Renaults
At Donington Park
Donington Park, Castle Donington, Derby, DE74 2RP
Donington Historic
Whether you’re a long-time enthusiast or have never seen a historic racing car in action before, you’ll find plenty to entertain you at the Donington Historic Festival. After seven very successful years the event is firmly established as a major fixture on the international historic racing calendar, attracting many thousands of spectators, hundreds of world-class historic racing cars and huge numbers of classic car club displays. The Renault Owners Club has once again booked an exclusive parking area on the infield. To be eligible to park with us you must be a fully paid-up member, with a Renault vehicle, either pre-1999 or deemed by the organisers to be "of interest", for example Avantime, Vel Satis or any Renaultsport models. They are fairly flexible regarding all Club cars, indeed we have had several "moderns" in the past so please apply, but note that the acceptance of any vehicle is at the discretion of the organisers, NOT the Club! Registration with the organisers will be required, but if you came last year you can use the same log-in. ALL members are entitled to book tickets at a 50% discount - full details available on request - even if arriving in a vehicle not eligible for the infield parking area. Please email with your membership number using the link below
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