Paid-up members please check your email inbox for full details
The minutes of the 2019 AGM were published in the September 2019 issue of Renotes and are reproduced here
The National
Brewery Centre,
Horninglow Street,
Burton Upon Trent,
DE14 1NG
Attendees and Apologies for absence were recorded
Minutes of the 2018 AGM / Matters Arising –
Proposed as Accepted by Claire Wright – Seconded Damien Bailey
Matters Arising for Minutes
Amendment to
Articles filed at Companies House in accordance with company law.
Committee to review the rules. This was done and the rules were felt broadly
fit for purpose. Some ideas for change have been highlighted and will be put to
the club in 2019 for consideration.
Club Officers’ reports.
a) Chairman
Health issues have sadly reduced the amount the chair could take part in club activities however he has been taking part via email. He generally feels the club is doing well but lacks significant involvement from the majority of members in the club’s activities.
b) Secretary/Magazine Editor/Webmaster
This joint role has continued much as previous years with 4 magazines being produced. Advertising remains as previous years and the club website has been built up. As usual though the magazine relies on a small number of contributors with most articles coming from a few. Sadly a lot of interesting material has been posted direct to Facebook and as the photos are low quality, it is difficult to copy across. This means the approximately 85% of members never see this material.
c) Motorsport
The club does not really get involved in motorsport so this activity has mostly rotated around recycling and editing Renault articles for the magazine.
c) Membership Secretary
Membership is stable with a few peaks and troughs. Ages 17/18 to 90 with a small classic group. Some special interest. 1/3 new Insurance introductions, 1/3 stalwarts and 1/3 Insurance long term.
- Fees Insurance Deal Goes
- Free Clubs
- Father Time
522 Members, 32 Concession, Renault, Advertisers, Reciprocal Deal, etc. and around 5% overdue.
Most pay by PayPal, a few standing orders and cheques a few cash, usually at shows.
The Membership Secretary does not plan to re-stand.
Need to look at Standing Orders, update and produce a list of cars and convert Facebook guests to real active members.
d) Events Officer
We covered a number of events including the Rural Life Centre in Tilford at the kind invitation of Chris Salter and the Citroen Car Club. This will again be included in the 2019. November NEC we celebrated 120 Years of Renault. Cars spanning 114 of those years were on display and we also remembered the 100th Anniversary of the Armistice. We also covered the Restoration Show, Tatton, Doncaster, Donington Historic Festival, French Car Show, amongst others and in addition, many members went to local shows.
Suggestions for future events would be welcome, as would new faces joining this year’s events.
Presentation of Financial Statement – Treasurer
Including proposal to take advantage of a waiver of auditing in accordance with section 477 of the Companies Act 2006 relating to small companies.
(accounts were recorded at Companies House on 21st November 2019)
Net Assets increased slightly over the figure reported in year ending 28th
February 2018
Income: based on Membership Fees, Insurance Deal, Advertisers and Sponsors
Expenditure: Production & printing of Renotes & Post for the Magazine; Club Liability Insurance; Events; Professional Fees; Stickers & Membership cards; AGM and Committee Meeting costs; Subs & Affiliation fees; Website hosting & maintenance; Bank Charges
Waiver of Audit:
Passed unanimously.
Shop Report appeared in Renotes.
Acceptance of Reports:
Damien Bailey
Seconded: Richard Birchenough
Election of Officers in accordance with the club rules:
2019/2020 – Current Officer Listed – (RS = willing to continue if elected). Proposer and seconder were in writing to the Secretary prior to the AGM in accordance with the Club’s Rules.
- Chairman
– Michael Chambers
Proposed: Shaun Whent, Seconded: Michael Wrigley and Bernard Brown. Carried Unanimously. Post holder abstained.
Thanks were given to the outgoing Chairman.
Ex Officio
b) Secretary
– Alasdair Worsley (RS)
Proposed: Matthew Barlow. Seconded: Andrew McGraa, John Hart, Claire Wright,
John Bratley. Carried Unanimously. Post holder abstained.
c) Treasurer
– Michael Chambers (RS)
Proposed: Shaun Whent. Seconded: Michael Wrigley. Carried Unanimously. Post
holder abstained.
d) Motorsport
and Events – Robert Slater (RS)
Proposed: Ryan Turnell. Seconded: Richard Birchenough and Alasdair Worsley.
Carried Unanimously. Post holder abstained.
e) Other Committee members (Note the rules do not specify any other roles. Therefore it is necessary to simply elect members to the Committee. Individual roles and tasks are to be allocated at the first meeting of the new Committee. The rules allow the committee to co-opt further members, and it intends to do so within those rules as deemed necessary)
Andrew Waller
– Ordinary Committee Member (RS) Peter Bell – Ordinary Committee Member Bernard
Brown – Ordinary Committee Member (RS) Roy Prosser – Ordinary Committee Member
From the Floor to be co-opted
Richard Birchenough – Ordinary Committee Member () Ryan Turnell – Ordinary
Committee Member () Damien Bailey – Ordinary Committee Member ()
Proposed and Seconded: Claire Wright, Rob Slater, Roy Prosser, Alasdair Worsley, Gavin McAliister. Carried Unanimously. Post holder abstained.
Election of President
Nomination – Vincent Tourette (Managing Director Renault UK). Proposed and Seconded The outgoing and incoming committee and supported by the 2018/2019 Post Holder Hector Mackenzie-Wintle.
Motions received
i) We would like the AGM to consider the offer of an electronic magazine for the club, with a membership price of £20 as current if someone takes the emagazine option and rising to £25 if someone decides to continue with the paper one. With postage and printing costs rising year on year and the environmental benefits of not using a plastic postbag or any paper we believe that the time has come to offer both options.
Proposed Michael Wrigley, Seconded Shaun Whent
It was deemed that this was just a “for consideration” not requiring any change to the rules. Roy Prosser for, all others Abstained. Committee will consider.
ii) I propose that the Club’s Articles of Association be amended as follows:
Article 3.4 – the words “two calendar months” be replaced by “fourteen days”
Article 4.2 – the words “two months” be replaced by “fourteen days” and an additional sentence added “In the event of such a lapse of membership causing an issue of the club magazine to be missed, the said issue may be purchased by the re-joining member at a cost of £5 including postage”
Proposed Robert Slater, Seconded Alasdair Worsley
Carried Unanimously and Recorded with Companies House in Accordance with the Rules.
Presentation of the Hector Mackenzie-Wintle trophy.
Awarded to Anthony Louies. Rules have been amended with the Agreement or the Trophy donor that here on in ALL paid up members will be equally eligible.
The meeting closed at 11.30 AM. In accordance with Club rules, and to avoid Easter and the May Bank Holiday, the most likely dates for the 2020 AGM are 18th or 25th April
ROC over the next 12 months
A little while ago the committee met to discuss the current activities of the club and began to discuss some ideas for the future direction of the club.
After the formal closing of the AGM the Chairman led a short facilitated discussion on a number of aspects of the club’s operation. The attendees completed questionnaires, which will help develop some ideas to ensure a successful future for the club. The committee is seeking new ways to increase the “value proposition” of the Club, and it was announced that discussions are taking place with two new partners to offer members savings on their motoring expenditure, subject to certain conditions, and it was hoped these would be announced in the next two issues of Renotes