50 Years of the R12


La Douze, 24330, France

Celebration of the 50th anniversary of the R12 in France

At La Douze

La Douze, 24330, France

The French Renault 12 club, R12Passion, is organizing an event on September 7th/8th 2019, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of this particular Renault.

 The R12 is one of Renault’s most popular models and deserves a birthday celebration. This occurs on the dates mentioned in a rural environment in La Douze (very appropriate – French for “twelve”) located in the Périgord Blanc (Dordogne). The village welcomes the participants with open arms. However, it is necessary to own a Renault 12 to participate in the event. R12Passion is expecting well over a hundred vehicles of all types and versions of the Renault 12, arriving from as far afield as UK, Spain and Romania.

Our very own Peter Bell, will be attending as a representative of the Club in his superb R12 "Biff" and invites any other R12 owners to join him on the drive down there. If you are interested please Email Club Events or see June Renotes to contact Peter directly

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